Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Democracy Remixed
On the off chance that we investigate American History, we see that numerous African Americans before us achieved numerous things, in different controls, for example, become the top health spokesperson of the United States, Win an Olympic Gold award, Become a President of an Ivy League University, become CEO of a Fortune 500 organization or even become President of the United States. These and the others on the broad rundown of African American Firsts didn't come simple or were given. In the expressions of Cohen, â€Å"They needed to buckle down, be aware, and consistently have your boss humankind in plain view for whites to watch. With increasingly more first being cultivated, it has gotten progressively workable for some African Americans to arrive at hose same positions or go further. Today, in the year 2014, we likewise have new issues to look regarding this new innovation. Dark twitter, for instance, is an informal title for a network on twitter that has a colossal effect on th e web and in the media. Regardless of whether there is a primetimes network show or some breaking report, Black twitter has you secured. Apparently as a voice for every dark American, this is intensely slanted by its demographic.Consisting of basically youthful grown-ups, this network turns out to be negative and regularly makes sentimental hysteria and stifles ACH other operating at a profit network. The post-racial proposition recommends that in the post-social liberties time, material conditions have improved for Black Americans, however the conditions Black Americans face today are particularly better than the conditions that prior ages had confronted. As one case of numerous weights dark youth are confronting, this shows material conditions may have expanded however the weights are as yet pervasive In Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the fate of American Politics, a book by Cathy J.Cohen, talks about the political existence of youthful individuals of color, not produced to th eir relationship with the state and additionally government yet between their friends, different individuals from the dark network and the bigger society. Comparable to the post-racial proposition, this book contains contentions that fill in as a counter to the post-racial theory by talking about numerous issues that youthful individuals of color face. In part 2, she presents the wonder called conviction based frenzies and how they influence the dark network, particularly dark youth.In section 5, she talks about types of distance that dark youth face and how they take part in the open circle, endeavoring to voice beneficiary own open plan. In part 6, she draws in the thoughts that youthful individuals of color create considering the appointment of the nation first dark president and what this way to them. Section 2, â€Å"Gangs Rap Made Me do it†, discusses sentimental frenzies and how Bill Cowboys and Don Emus are instances of making such things. Prior on in the part, they d isks a few insights created by The Black Youth Project.These measurements indicated results from studies rounded out by African Americans ages 30 or more and gathering dependent on levels of salary The subjects of the study included Rap Music's apparent Influence on Black Youth, The conduct of such a large number of youthful dark Americans takes steps to advance of decent individuals of color who are attempting to do the correct things, and reasons youthful dark Americans think that its difficult to excel. These subjects were shockingly presented to non-youth around three themes that include dark youth in America.Many of these grown-ups had a sentiment on these inquiries, on account of conviction based frenzies. Cohen states that sentimental frenzy is an idea normally utilized by researchers to clarify nonsensical and expanded responses to lesser occasions that have been overstated by the media. Through the media, the emergency itself is covered by the enormous mayhem created by the general population. Bill Cowboys, known for his comedic foundation, talked at Constitution Hall in Washington, D. C. Where they were celebration the 50th commemoration of Brown v. Leading body of Education.The subjects that he got fire from were the ones coordinated to poor individuals of color and the dark youth. From Cowboys viewpoint he is attempting to leave it alone realize that everything individuals of color do, is a portrayal of every single dark American. His remarks toward poor individuals operating at a profit network included â€Å"These individuals are not child rearing. They are purchasing things for kids, $500 tennis shoes for what? Furthermore, wont burn through $200 dollars for ‘Hooked on Phonics. ‘ †Here we have a more established African American who is expelled an age from those guardians he are addressing.This alone shows that there is an issue with the back to back age. This likewise features the age of guardians who are purchasing the chil dren costly shoes are progressively stressed over looks that instruction. We can induce that the children needed the costly shoes on account of social weights to be riches. Likewise, His remarks on Black Youth culture is that the out of today are uneducated with regards to thinking about their African American and their African culture.He offers comments about how dark guys are getting into garments in reverse and listing of jeans, and ladies wearing short skirts and piercing. This is another case of weight that the adolescent are confronting in light of the fact that Bill Cowboys is most likely not by any means the only individual creation these comments. The weights of past ages in its self are making it difficult for the youthful dark American to live. She presents the 21st century, the normal youth has a great deal of things to manage. Harassing, growing up, peer pressure, family, school
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Your Best Friend to Your Archenemy free essay sample
Single magazine kiosk to a chain that extends the length and broadness of the peninsular, in the process changing and modernizing the customary business of paper and magazine circulation. Presently a day, he was claimed 139th myNEWS. com outlet in peninsular Malaysia. Mr. Dang’s is the fourth of nine kin, where his dad Dang Kai Ee was an elastic tapper who buckling down and being frugal to help a developing family through the ironworks foundry in his old neighborhood of Air Tawar, Perak. In addition, Mr.Dang’s father figures out how to help seven of them through further instruction at the University of Manitoba, Canada. As a result of the effect from his dad he needed to possess his business. Mr. Dang’s, graduated with a degree in software engineering in 1985 and earned a master’s in a similar subject in 1992 from the University of Manitoba. Concerning him, around 10 of his relatives of various ages have concentrated there. We will compose a custom paper test on Your Best Friend to Your Archenemy or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Therefore, the holding organization for myNEWS. com is named Bison Stores where the buffalo is the University of Manitoba’s mascot. He initial two endeavors are a tragic story however before he set up myNEWS. om. After Mr. Dang’s graduated, he was coming back to Malaysia and work all day for a money related organization. Be that as it may, very quickly, he went into organization with two companions †conveying an attractive mosquito net created in US. The business flopped following a couple of months due to the partners’ naiveté. Quite a while later, Mr. Dang’s attempted again and as a minority investor in assembling sound frameworks for an enormous US-based firm. Lamentably, this endeavor likewise self-destructed because of individual covetousness and fumble by specific gatherings included. While still resolved to assemble a business domain of his, Mr. Dang’s made plans to begin little whenever, and guarantee that he would completely possess the business. So whenever a chance to run a newspaper kiosk in the recently opened 1 Utama shopping center in Selangor emerged, he took a full breath and hopped directly in. He was allowed just 24 hours to settle on choice as he had a few proposals on the space. He was completely bolstered from his significant other after a conversation. His first store called Mag Bits was opened in 1996 and still exists on the lower ground floor of 1 Utama’s old wing. He kept the first name since he was asked to by the administration. Be that as it may, as of late, he stretched the go-beyond to transform it into a myNEWS. com outlet. Mag Bits prompted a chain of 139 news outlets which a year ago produced income of over RM100 million. Those early days were troublesome ones for Mr. Dang’s and his significant other, Ling Chao. He needed to keep working all day to fund the lease of the store as no bank was going to advance cash to a newspaper kiosk, so his significant other needed to run the stand. She was down through and worked superbly. Be that as it may, issues with the manner in which the business was run sprung up at an early stage. From the second he set foot in the first magazine kiosk outlet, Mr. Dang’s realized things should be possible better. The conventional newspaper kiosk has not been refreshed, ever. It’s chaotic, jumbled and close-off. With Mag Bits, he attempted to make it brilliant, happy and welcoming, however he realized more should be possible. Considerably additionally upsetting was the â€Å"unprofessional†way in which paper and magazine dissemination was taken care of in Malaysia. As a little storekeeper, he needed to take whatever was dispensed to him. For instance, he requested 100 duplicates of magazine An and 50 duplicates of magazine B. In the event that the merchants chooses to send him 50 of magazine An and 100 magazine B, there was literally nothing him, as a solitary slow down proprietor, he could do. He started to perceive any reason why somebody unmistakable inside the business facetiously cautioned him that it was ‘mafia businesses’. Mr. Dang’s propelled a second Mag Bits outlet in Sungai Buloh however when a spot for a newspaper kiosk opened up in Mid Valley Megamall in 1997, he chose to take an alternate course since he felt Mag Bits as a name and idea was constraining. Along these lines, with propelling an online just as physical business, he named the new outlet myNEWS. om. The online business thought has never fully gone ahead realization, yet it’s still on the cards. The new name was joined by another outlet idea and look. His you more youthful sibling, Tai Wen, has quite recently moved on from the University of Manitoba as a modeler and he enrolled him help to structure the look and feel of myNEWS. com. Along with his dad Kai Ee and Tai Wen, Mr. Dang’s set up their optimal newspaper kiosk. His dad Kai Ee even helped plan the magazine racks to guarantee the magazine were in plain view yet would not fall over. The key was the rack edge, which needed to recline yet at the same time be at a 90o point. His dad made the model in his foundry which they send for assembling. The particular look Tai Wen made for myNEWS. com has helped manufacture brand acknowledgment for the magazine kiosk chain, it has helped win them key areas. Since they are look acceptable, brilliant and clean, keep up severe working hours and have client well disposed arrangements which permit clients to ‘browse freely’, the two shopping centers and their clients currently pay special mind to their outlets. At last, as opposed to selling the magazines, Mr.Dang additionally made standardized identifications framework programming which could tracks month to month deals of 500,000 magazines from 2,000 titles. Magazines issue codes are especially significant with regards to returning unsold issues or when uncommon advancements are in play. While giving important information, the product framework introduced another arrangement of difficulties. For the database to work, Mr. Darn depended on the standardized identifications gave by magazine distributers. Lamentably, not every one of them comprehend the framework and why a standardized identification isn’t absolutely beautifying. Some would print the standardized identifications littler than guideline size, rendering them muddled. Still others don’t comprehend that every magazine title needs its own standardized identification †particularly if the costs are unique. Scarcely any years after the fact, Mr. Darn scanner tags framework got well known and generally use by the distributers while WHSmith built up a nine-digit code for interestingly referencing books which was named Standard Book Numbering or SBN and afterward became ISBN. The celebrated distributer †BlueInc Group Sdn Bhd, which distributes 20 magazine titles including Female, Peak and NuYou, is one of the distributing houses which work straightforwardly with myNEWS. com. To ensure myNEWS. om continue improving in future, Mr. Darn intend to dispatch a site revolve around client support to put bookings for magazines for in-store pickup, conversation discussions, and advancements for enrolled clients. Additionally, he likewise plans to actualize a versatile alarms framework which will tell clients when their magazines are available and on the off chance that they are running extraordinary offers.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Only 8% of Leaders are Good at Both Strategy and Execution
Only 8% of Leaders are Good at Both Strategy and Execution This situation replays itself severally in many organizations across the world. The organization spends a lot of time, money and effort conducting market research.The research is excellent, and the data from the research is used to come up with a brilliant strategy that the entire board falls in love with.The CEO signs off the strategy, which is then communicated to the rest of the organization. Everyone unanimously agrees that they all got it. It’s all systems go!Once the strategy is launched, however, things start going awry. Nothing goes as expected, and most of the key performance indicators remain static, some even take a dip. A good example of this is Nokia. Starting from the late 90’s to the early 2000’s, Nokia was the leading mobile phone Brand.Five years before the launch of the iPhone, Nokia was ready to launch its own touch operated, internet-connected device with a large display. They knew where the mobile phone market was headed and they had a strategy to dominate that market, yet they were unable to maintain their dominant market position.When Apple released their first iPhone in 2007, they toppled Nokia from the dominant position and started a decline that ended with Nokia being sold to Microsoft in 2013. Why does this happen?The problem here is something known as a strategy-execution gap, a big black hole that yawns menacingly between strategy and execution. Far too many visions get swallowed by this unforgiving black hole. One survey found out that executives claim that 40% of their strategy’s potential value gets lost due to poor execution.For organizations to remain successful, its leaders need to excel at both strategy and execution. They need to not only know how to give a grand promise to their customers and investors, but how to deliver on this promise as well. A brilliant strategy is good for nothing if the execution is poor.Unfortunately, most organizations continue to treat strategy and execution as separate elements. Very often, you will find different areas of the company managing strategy and execution. The CEO, presidents and other senior management team are typically in charge of strategy, while the execution bit is left to the functional leaders and individual employees.Separating the two activities creates a risk that the important activities and processes that drive the strategy might not get executed properly, which then undermines the importance of the risk.What is worrying is that a 2013 survey by Strategy found that only 16% of executives excel at either strategy or execution. Even more saddening is that only half of these (8%) are good at both strategy and execution.Great business leaders realize the importance of strategy and execution and treat them as two complimentary elements that must work together in order to achieve success.Take the case of Steve Jobs, who was recalled to Apple in 1997 in an attempt to turn around the fortunes of the rapidly declining tech giant.Jobs came with a strategy on how to return the company to profitability, but he didn’t just share a strategy and leave it at that. He was deeply involved in the execution of the strategy, cutting down on multiple products that were in development and even convincing Microsoft to invest $150 million in Apple, despite the two companies being rivals. The good news is that, while only few executives are exceptionally good at both strategy and execution, this is a skill that can be learnt and improved.If you want to improve your company’s performance and gain an edge over your competitors, here are some few tips on how to excel at both strategy and execution.COMMIT TO AN IDENTITYAs a leader, you first need to figure out what your organization’s identity is, what the organization stands for.Once you define this identity, commit to it and ensure everything within the organization, including your strategy, is aligned to this identity.Understand your organization’s distinctive capabilit ies and its unique value proposition, then ensure that your strategy is in line with these key differentiators.Avoid the temptation to chase multiple areas and markets where you have no chance of winning. A good example of a company that does this well is IKEA.IKEA grew from a single store in a Swedish forest to become the world’s largest furniture retailer with a net worth of $58.7 billion by remaining committed to its identity of “creating a better everyday life for many people.†Every undertaking by the company, from its frugal business model to its thorough research into how people actually live at home, is meant to help the company deliver on this promise.Another great example of a company that is well committed to its identity is Apple. Apple knows that they can’t do everything and do it well. Because of this, they say no to a number of great ideas and focus instead on opportunities that are in line with their identity.They understand that any project they undertake either contributes to the successful execution of their strategy or takes away vital resources, therefore they opt to focus only on projects that contribute to the successful execution of their strategy.Once you define your identity and come up with a strategy that it aligned with this identity, you need to spend time translating this strategy into clear actionable goals that can be tracked and measured. According to the survey by Strategy, high performing business leaders spend 20% more time translating their strategy into actionable goals compared to low performing business leaders.You also need to ensure that the people who are in charge of delivering the strategy are clear on the company’s identity, the strategy and the specific actions they need to take in order for successful execution of the strategy.You should communicate frequently and make sure that a consistent message is delivered downward throughout the organization and that everyone knows the deliverables that are required in order for the strategy to be achieved.High performing business leaders spend 12% more time ensuring that the strategy and deliverables are clear to everyone within the entire organization compared to low performing leaders.TRANSLATE THE STRATEGY INTO SHORT TERM ACTIONS AND PROCESSESA strategy is a grand, long term plan. Without turning the strategy into everyday actions and processes, it is more likely that your grand dreams will evaporate into thin air.You need to ensure that there is a clear link between day to day (short term) activities and the overall strategy.For instance, if your strategy is to capture a new market, some of the actions that you might need to accomplish in order to successfully achieve this strategy might include increasing your marketing activities in that market segment, setting up an office in the location for geographically targeted markets, buying out a competitor or merging with them, and so on.Asking yourself the below questions can make i t easier for you to translate your strategy into everyday actions and processes.Who will be involved? What team will handle which work? Who will be the team leaders?Are there any visible programs, such as training programs, new processes or new technologies that need to be built in order for the vision to be achieved?What impact will the strategy have on other areas of the organization? How can we enhance this (for positive impacts) or mitigate against it (for negative impacts)?What are the personal goals for each manager or employee?What resources will be required in order to execute the strategy? Do we need more time, more financial resources, more equipment or more people?How will we track and ensure that everyone is diligently following through with what has been decided?As a leader, you need to be deeply involved in this process. You need to provide any coaching and support that your team might need in order to achieve the desired results. Follow up regularly to ensure that everyone meets their targets and deadlines. If you notice that some things are not working or going according to plan, be ready to step in and readjust the rudder.You should also be ready to give immediate corrective feedback on your team’s performance.The survey by Strategy found that high performing business leaders spend 25% more time establishing the short term activities and processes required for successful execution of the strategy and 14% more time checking their progress and readjusting their course compared to low performing business leaders.LEVERAGE YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURECompany culture is an often under-appreciated and under-utilized element within organizations.When coming up with a strategy, many organizations see company culture as an impediment rather than an asset. Smart leaders, however, know that they can leverage their organizational culture to help in the implementation of strategy.They ensure that the strategy is aligned with the core values that defi ne organizational culture and that they take talent management seriously.They know that strategies cannot be successfully implemented if they do not align with the company culture. This is well encapsulated in the words of Peter Drucker, who famously that ‘organizational culture eats strategy for breakfast’.Take a look at your company’s culture. What are your company’s core values? Do your employees feel a sense of community and camaraderie between each other? Is there a flow of efficient communication within the organization?Are your employees committed to learning? What behaviors and practices do you associate with your company? Does your strategy align with your company’s core values? How can you take advantage of the behaviors and practices associated with your organization to drive the strategy?Do you have forums for employees to candidly share their feedback on what works and what does not? Answering these crucial questions will help you to leverage your organizatio nal culture to drive execution.In leveraging your organizational culture, you also need to think about your role as a CEO. Many CEOs often forget that company culture starts with them. Your staff sees how you incorporate your personal values in your daily activities and emulate it. Therefore, if you want to promote an organizational culture that encourages strategy execution, don’t forget that it starts with you.FOCUS ON STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND CUT COSTS TO GROW STRONGERLeaders who excel at strategy and execution have a laser focus. They know that the main purpose of a strategy is not to create goals, but to help them make choices. As a leader, you should use your strategy as a guide that helps you to identify the few key processes that have the biggest impact on the success of your organization.Once you identify these key processes, you can then focus all your attention on them and forget everything else. For instance, I have noticed that when organizations want to improve rev enue, many leaders decide to simply cut costs across the board.Smart leaders, on the other hand, totally cut back the costs on process and projects that do not matter and double down on projects that hold the highest potential.A good example of a company that did this is Lego. In 2004, Lego was losing a million dollars a day. A decade later, in 2015, it had claimed its position as the world’s largest target company. How did it do this?Lego was able to turn its fortunes by marshalling its resources strategically and cutting costs to grow. In 2004, Lego had investments in multiple industries, including areas like theme parks and clothing, yet it had no chance at dominating in these industries.Instead of sticking to the fallacy of sunk cost, Lego decided to do away with these businesses and focus on its core business, which is making and selling toys. By doing so, Lego was able to get back to profitability.Another good example of a company that did this was Apple in 1997. When S teve Jobs came back to Apple in 1997, the company had over 18 different products, yet its sales were dismal.Realizing that the company was expending a lot of time and resources on products that were not even profitable, Steve Jobs decided to kill over 70% of the company’s products, including the Newton, the Pippin, The Twentieth Anniversary Mac, The Cube and several Mac Clones.Entire departments were dissolved, and the remaining resources were deployed to the four most important products. Within a year, a company that was almost going bankrupt posted $309 million in profits.As a leader, you should use your strategy to allocate resources strategically. Deploy significant amounts of resources (people, time and finances) to the most important projects and processes and forget about everything else. Spending your resources on too many priorities is like trying to juggle too many balls at once.Sooner or later, all of them will end up on the ground. This view is supported by Strategi c’s survey, which found that high performing leaders spend 54% more time defining strategic projects and allocating resources accordingly. They are also 36% more effective at prioritizing these important projects.SHAPE THE FUTUREIn today’s world where change, innovation, technological change, and disruption happens faster than you can predict, business agility has become all the rage.Business pride themselves on being able to quickly respond to changes within the market. Smart leaders, however, know that simply being agile and responding to external changes as quickly as possible is not enough.That puts them in a reactive mode. Instead of constantly reacting to external changes, smart leaders shape the future by determining the change they want to see and then moving forward to create it.Starbucks is a great of a company that shaped its future. Starbuck’s customers thought they just wanted a place to have a cup of coffee.Starbuck’s CEO, Howard Schultz, however, knew t hey wanted more than coffee. He knew they wanted a place of conviviality beyond the home and the workplace, a place they could gather and connect with each other in a friendly, lively and enjoyable atmosphere.Instead of waiting for customer attitudes to change from looking for just coffee to ‘coffee and community’, Schultz went ahead and created this new concept and then dominated the new industry.Once again, Steve Jobs provides another good example on how to shape the future instead of reacting to external changes. He is quoted to have said that people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.He opined that it is the job of companies to figure out what customers want long before the customers do and then create products that they never knew they wanted but can’t live without after using them.By introducing the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, Apple shaped not only its future, but that of the world.Before launching these products, the masses had never even imagined about such products, yet today, people can’t live without them.To be an effective leader who helps shape the future, you need to become proactive. You also need to come up with proactive strategies that give your organization the freedom to chart its own path instead of constantly responding to situations that may well be out of control.You should learn how to anticipate any challenges and obstacles that might hinder the implementation of your strategy and how to anticipate customer needs and meet them even before they are expressed. Similarly, you should learn how to anticipate changes and trends within the market and capitalize on them before they become ubiquitous.According to the survey by Strategic, high performing leaders that successfully shape the future instead of constantly reacting to external changes spend 25% more time engaging with crucial stakeholders, identifying their needs and coming up with ways to meet them.They also spend 13% more time thinking proactively and planning about the future and refining their strategy. They spend more time anticipating bottlenecks and challenges and positioning their organizations for future success.VALUE FLEXIBILITYOne of the major reasons why strategic plans fail is rigidity on the part of business leaders.Many leaders often confuse successful strategy execution with following the plan. Unfortunately, like the popular military saying goes, no battle plan survives contact with the enemy.It does not matter how well planned your strategy is, once you start implementing it, it is inevitable that you will face some obstacles and challenges along the way. The most successful leaders are those who know the importance of flexibility.Instead of following rigid plans that have been rendered obsolete by the obstacles, they reach quickly and readjust their plans to maneuver around the obstacles, while at the same time ensuring they don’t lose sight of the long term goal.Leaders who excel at both strategy and e xecution are great at contingency planning.They identify all the assumptions that their strategy is based on and come up with specific action plans to help them adjust their course in case any of these assumptions changes. Caterpillar provides a good example of business leaders that value flexibility.In 2005, way before the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, Caterpillar’s then CEO Jim Owens asked all the division heads to come up with contingency plans in case of a market crash. By then, business was booming for Caterpillar and its competitors. Demand was at an all-time high. No one was contemplating an economic downturn.While the move was not a popular one, the division heads nevertheless came up with contingency plans for a downturn. When the recession actually hit, the contingency plans were put into effect.While its competitors suffered huge drops in revenue, Caterpillars profits were not majorly affected. By the time the economy was rising out of the Great Recession in 2010, Caterpillar stocks were the best performing in the Dow Jones industrial average.WRAPPING UPIf you want to set your organization apart from the thousands, perhaps millions of businesses whose grand visions get swallowed up when it comes to execution, you need to stop treating strategy and execution as separate activities and start thinking of them as crucial activities that should go hand in hand.Remember, the key to nailing both strategy and execution is committing to an identity, translating your strategy into short term activities and processes, leveraging your organizational culture, focusing on strategic priorities, shaping the future and adopting flexibility.If you follow these six tips, you will be on your way to joining the elite 8% of business leaders who are good at both strategy and execution.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Dangerous Substances in Fast Food Essay - 1458 Words
Society is like bamboo; it is constantly growing and expanding. With this change, society has an ever-constant worry of making the tedious tasks in life, such as getting food, as swift as it can possibly be. This drive for acquiring food quickly goes hand-in-hand with producing it as quickly and efficiently as possible. There are burgers that have been microwaved and served to people. Next, there are fries that have been preserved and then fried in oil so they can be acquired quickly. No one questions how the food is made, or what is put in it; it’s just inhaled by the population meals with a blissful ignorance. They don’t truly understand what they are putting into their bodies. Aside from the obvious drawbacks of fast food, there are†¦show more content†¦Acrylamide in food forms from sugars and an amino acid that are naturally present in food; it does not come from food packaging or the environment,†(â€Å"Food†). This chemical can be very harm ful when ingested into our bodies. â€Å"Acrylamide is known to modulate dopamine in the brain, which in turn leads to decreased...testosterone†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Rosen 8). In males, this can be very detrimental. Testosterone is one of the leading hormones in men, and it helps with the process of growth greatly. By consuming too much acrylamide, a male can hinder his growth both physically and sexually . Waste water treatment is another area where acrylamide can be found. According to Dr. Joseph Rosen, acrylamide is part of a coagulant put into waste water to cleanse it. The problem of fast food not â€Å"having enough taste†has come up over the course of the last decade. Many restaurants look to find minute, unnoticeable ways to give their food that extra edge of flavor when compared to their competitors. One substance that is widely used is Monosodium Glutamate, more commonly known as MSG. â€Å"Glutamic acid [MSG] is a major component of McDonald’s food. While thereà ¢â‚¬â„¢s simply no excuse for consuming their French fries or diet soft drinks, one could make a logical argument to have their hamburgers, as long as you are not a carb type,†(Mercola 1). MSG is a common type of salt that is formed when amino acid and glutamic acid areShow MoreRelatedJunk Food And Its Effects On The Levels Of Healthy And Well Diet1100 Words  | 5 PagesJunk food is a mocking term for the meaning of food that can be made or given in seconds with the value of nutrition. Junk food is cheap food that usually are high in sugar, calories, salt, and fat. Fast food and junk foods share a common involvement with high levels of calories from fat or sugar with petite minerals, proteins, and vitamins. In most cases, junk foods are considered to be candy, gum, fried foods, salted snack, sugary beverages,fast food and sweets. 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How does a nation keep up? It does so by becoming a well oiled machine. This way, companies have the ability to push out vast amounts of product all while keep cost down. Because of this, the fast food industry is booming! Outwardly, this seems like an acceptable practice; however, often times when one is in a rush critical mistakes can occur. The food industry is not immune to these mishaps as they happenRead MoreBody Mass Index1378 Words  | 6 Pagesaround us. Everywhere we go we see obese people. But what is obesity? Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat which applies to people who are overweight. There are many health risks that coincid e with obesity, which makes it a dangerous disease. Furthermore, obesity is becoming an enormous problem since it is increasing drastically. About 38% of the world population is obese and that percentage is steadily rising. So what causes these percentages to rise? What causes obesity? HowRead MoreNegative Effects On Junk Food911 Words  | 4 Pagestheir income a year on fast food†? (Johns 2). There are certain ingredients in junk food and fast food that keep people coming back for more. Although junk food is not as addictive as alcohol and drugs, it certainly has similar effects on the brain, which has brought scientists to the conclusion that most junk food has addictive properties. It is so easy these days to go to the store and buy cheap junk food, but knowing the negative outcomes may have people reconsider their food options. Gaining more
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Lies Youve Been Told About College Essay Samples Background Story
Lies You've Been Told About College Essay Samples Background Story Taking the opportunity to craft a well-founded and intriguing hook is a sensible investment for virtually any college applicant. In fact, lots of successful small business professionals have several college degrees that apply right to their line of work. How to compose your story experts say a superior college essay is one which features a students voice and personality. If you've already graduated from college or university and are trying to find a superior job, you will need to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer. An outing will do you a great deal of good. So with the assistance of the exact same ghosts in history has an acceptable end and cold Crickley Hall has come to be almost a conventional property. Frequently, you won't get a sense of how to best implement a hook till you have fully developed the remainder of your essay. It's very beneficial to take writing apart so as to see ju st the way that it accomplishes its objectives. There is something that may force you to suffer from will become your capstone project at the conclusion of the educational calendar year. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Work with your students to assist them with this important part of their application. Furthermore, the Nerds help to look at your Bibliography and present it in the right format. Students throughout the world struggle to craft necessary college essays and frequently look for college essay help. They from all over the U.S. choose us to help write a great college essay papers. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin trying to find an appropriate writer for your paper. You can rely on the very best essay help online. A terrific essay will be able to help you get accepted to your dream school. Writing a persuasive essay can be hard because you're not merely presenting the research materials which you have gathered but you're trying to influence your readers. Introduction essay paragraphs are central in any bit of writing for the reason they give readers advance details about the content and the intention behind the material. Reasons why homework ought to be optional. So you've just realized that you're a couple of hours away to your homework submission deadline and don't have any clue where to begin or ways to get from the mess you're going to land into. Academic papers cannot contain any signals of plagiarism. The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. In the end, the very best essays are the ones which reflect an interesting, funny, insightful, or inspiring facet of your personality in a manner that engages the audience. Argumentative essays are also called position papers due to their justification of the side of the issue they are written in support of. The purpose is to persuade in different words convince the reader of the stance which you're taking on a specific subject. You could also get in touch with your writer to supply some added recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. When you surf our site for recommendations that may help you write your own essay, you will discover many helpful tips. To make sure that you will discover a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that's always online. Lovecrafts racism should be viewed in context of a bigger disgust with humanity generally, contoh essay tingkatan 1. Many fiction writers produce fantastic story suggestions and love the sensation of starting a story, but they frequently struggle with finishing. The author starts with a rather comprehensive story of an event or description of an individual or place. They may be the letter important elements of your applicationthe essays. You can shop for essays now on the site. Nowa days it is quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Let EssayEdge help you compose an application essay which gets noticed. Short essays, as its name implies, needs to be concise and succinct. For instance, let's take a close look at a hypothetical essay. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 19 Free Essays
I ran past the shanties set up around the circus through the deep woods, following the tracks of the wagon until I lost the vehicles scent completely at the outskirts of the city proper. A drunk was leaning against a brick building, whistling tunelessly. In a blind rage, I roughly fell to my knees and grabbed him, biting into his neck and sucking his blood before he even had time to gasp. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 19 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It tasted bitter, but I kept drinking, gulping it in until I could stand no more. Sitting back on my heels, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and looked around. Confusion and hatred coursed through my veins. Why couldnt I save Damon? Why had I just watched as Gallagher goaded the audience into placing even more bets, as the mountain lion pounced onto my brother? And why had Damon allowed himself to be captured and put me in this impossible position? I wished Id never insisted on turning him into a vampire in the first place. If he werent here and I were alone in the city, everything would be so much easier. Now I was trying to be a good brother, and a good vampire, and yet was failing at everything. I walked home, clomping up the steps to the house. I slammed the door, causing the hinges to rattle and one of the paintings in the parlor to fall on the floor with a clatter. Instantly, I saw Buxton glaring at me from the opposite side of the room, his eyes glittering in the darkness. â€Å"Is there some sort of problem youre having with the door?†he asked through clenched teeth. I tried to brush past him, but he blocked my path. â€Å"Excuse me,†I muttered, pushing him. â€Å"Excuse you,†Buxton said, crossing his arms over his chest. â€Å"Coming in as if you own the place. Stinking like humans. While Im not one to question Miss Lexi, I do think its time you show a little respect for her home, brother.†The wordbrotherawakened something within me. â€Å"Watch what you say,†I hissed, baring my teeth. But Buxton just chuckled. â€Å"Ill watch what I say when you watch how you act.†â€Å"Boys?†Lexi called from upstairs, her lilting voice a contrast to the tense scene. She glided down the stairs, her eyes softening with concern when they rested on me. â€Å"Is Damon ?†â€Å"Hes alive,†I muttered. â€Å"But I couldnt get to him.†Lexi perched on the edge of a rickety rocking chair, her eyes large and sympathetic. â€Å"Buxton, can you please get us some goats blood?†Buxtons eyes narrowed, but he shuffled out of the parlor and into the kitchen. In the living room, I could hear Hugo playing a lively French march on the piano. â€Å"Thanks,†I said, sinking into an overstuffed love seat. I didnt want goats blood. I wanted to gorge myself on gallons and gallons of human blood, drinking until I got sick and passed out in total oblivion. â€Å"Remember, hes strong,†Lexi said. â€Å"Im not worried about Buxton,†I said. â€Å"I meant your brother. If hes anything like you, hes strong.†I looked up at her. She came over and took my chin in her hand. â€Å"Thats what you have to believe. Its what I believe. The trouble with you is that you want everything done right away. Youre impatient.†I sighed. The last thing I needed was another lecture about how I had no sense of the way the real vampire world worked. Besides, I wasnt impatient. I was desperate. â€Å"You just need to think of another plan. One we can help with.†Lexi glanced over as Buxton entered, carrying a silver tray laden with two mugs. Buxton paused midstep. â€Å"Faut-il l’aider?†he asked in French. â€Å"Nous l’aiderons,†Lexi replied. Neither Lexi nor Buxton knew that Id learned French at my mothers knee; it was odd to listen to them speakabout whether to help me free Damon. I stared at my hands, which were still covered with crusted blood from my hunt earlier in the evening. Buxton banged the tray against the polished cherrywood table. â€Å"You will not put us in danger,†he growled, his fangs inches away from my neck. He shoved me with all his might against the wall, and the back of my head cracked against the fireplaces marble mantle. My Power took over, and I pushed his shoulders hard. But Buxton was older and stronger than I was, and he kept me pinned to the wall, his hands firmly against my chest. I could feel blood beginning to seep from my skull, where Id hit my head. â€Å"You selfish, ungrateful monster,†Buxton whispered, hatred dripping from his voice. â€Å"Ive seen vampires like you before. You think the world is yours for the taking. You dont care about others. You dont care who you kill. You give us a bad name.†I twisted and writhed, trying to escape his grip, when suddenly I felt the pressure release from my chest, followed by an enormous crash as Buxton fell to the floor. â€Å"Buxton,†Lexi lectured, staring at the prone body lying at her feet. â€Å"How many more centuries will it be before you learn how to treat a guest? And, Stefan, wont you agree with me that human blood simply doesnt agree with you? That behavior wasnt necessary.†Lexi shook her head like an annoyed schoolmarm. â€Å"Now, Ill drink my blood in peace. Be nice, boys,†she said as she glided out of the room, the mug of blood in her hands. How could she walk away so casually, knowing that my brother was out there imprisoned and tortured? I had come to depend on Lexi for many things, and support in finding and saving Damon was my only priority now. As if reading my mind, she paused at the archway to her quarters, glancing from one of us to the other. â€Å"If and when I say we help Damon, we will. Is that clear to both of you?†â€Å"Yes, Miss Lexi,†Buxton murmured as he slowly eased onto his knees then stood up. I nodded, barely containing my scowl.If? Buxton limped out of the room, but not before he threw one last glare in my direction. Suddenly the house felt too small, as though the walls, floors, and ceilings were pressing in at me from all sides. Letting out one last growl, I flew through the parlor, out the door, and back down to Lake Road. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 19, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Promotional report campaign for DMO
Introduction The report was about a tourism promotion campaign that involved the reopening of the Africa Lion Safari performed by the Greater Western Sydney (GWS) tourism in Warragamba, Sydney in Australia achieved between 2008 and 2012.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Promotional report campaign for DMO specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The GWS consisted of 14 local government areas (LGA) that comprised of Auburn council, Wallondilly Share, Camden Council, City of Pernith, City of Campbell town, City of Parramatta, City of Bankslown, City of Liverpool, City of Blue mountains, City of Holroyd, City of Fairfield and City of Hawkesbury. The GWS was estimated to have a population of1.9 million according to the 2006 census. The population covered a locality of over 9000km squared including residential, rural and industrial zones. As the marketing manager of the GWS tourism promotion team, I sent the campaign report t o the management team for its consent on the campaign ideas and expenditure. The marketing strategy comprised of the following subunits; brief discussion of the DMO campaign in terms of size, turnover, visitation, number and occupancy rates and data information, promotion in campaign strategy, target marked profile, competition and channels of distribution (Haney Perry,2004). Objectives To reopen the African Lion Safari in Warragamba. -To promote domestic tourism in Sydney. -To increase tourism by 10% annually. -To increase the GDP of Sydney by boosting tourism and hospitality. The DMO campaign The tourism promotion campaign was carried out in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia with the target population of 1.9 million individuals. The population comprised mostly of the working class. The employment concentration was in industrial and trade networks like the Parramatta Town Hall, Appian Way in Bankslown and the showground hall at Sydney Olympic Park. The chief tourist attraction it ems involved the Sydney Olympic Park, the Blue Mountains and the Western Sydney Parklands that contained sites like the Westfield Penrith, Westfield Parramatta, Eastern Creek Raceway and the Black Town Olympic Park. The campaign targeted a fraction of about 30% of the Australian $85 billion in GDP per annum contributed by the 14 LGA.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this case, the African Lion Safari in Sydney focused on becoming the 3rd largest contributor to the Australian economy after Melbourne and the Sydney CBD. The campaign also targeted the University Western Sydney, University of Sydney Cumberland Campus and the Western Sydney institute of TAFE. Promotion campaign strategy The aim of the promotion was to recreate an African savanna within Sydney. The GWS team aimed at availing the African Lion Safari to the people of Sydney, an item they once enjoyed in 2001. The GWS had to make the people of Sydney enjoy what the people in Africa relish without their going to Africa (Lewis Roehrich, 2009). It was like bringing Africa to Sydney. The promotion strategy involved different measures with certain of them incorporating advertisements on social sites, promotional trade fairs and use of external links (Plunkett, 2008). The adverts were channeled through Face book, Tweeter and Friendster. The radio and television media houses were used in creating awareness on this great tourism initiative. The promotion campaign in terms of advertisement and awareness creation used about 1 billion Australian dollars. The channeling was not only for the people of Sydney but for the whole of Australia and the rest of the world. Target market The campaign targeted primarily the people of Western Sydney who were about 1.9 million in number. The region was believed to house 1 in every 11 Australians. The integration of events like the Rotary Observatory, Katromba Stamp Fair and the riverside theatre would ensure integration of local market in the campaign. The African Lion Safari project was able to provide a supplementary tourist resort for those who liked adventure and possessed interest in wildlife, especially the lion. The initiative was also able to target Australians who enjoyed tasty food ranging from African to Asian delicacies. The GWS was able to provide hospitable hotels and restaurants to complement the existing Chifley Hotel Penrith, St. Mary’s Park View Motel and the Grand Mercure Hills Lodge by availing better, convenient and comfortable facilities.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Promotional report campaign for DMO specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Competition No business can sustain itself without competition and the Sydney tourism campaign for the African lion safaris faced a lot of competition. Competition ranged from hotels to tourist destinations. The major competitors in terms of hotels and motels included Windsor Motel, Windsor Terrace Motel, Crown Plaza Norwest Hotel, Sydney Gateway Holiday Park and the Chifley Hotel Eastern Creek. The hotels and motels were able to provide exquisite and luxurious facilities thus posing challenges for the campaign. The other tourist destinations included national parks like Cattail, Nattai, Blue Mountains, Yembo and Scheyville, University of Sydney, Sydney Superdome, and Sydney Aquatic Center, Sydney International Shooting Center, Liverpool CBD and the George’s river. The promotion succeeded by 55% in spite of competition. Channels of distribution The lions were acquired from Africa like in Kenya, DRC Congo and Uganda through the airline network. From the African savanna, the lions were carried by road to their respective airstrip (Barrow, 2005). On arrival in Australia, different modes of transport were used in transporting them. Road transport involved the Hills Motorway, South W estern Motorway, West Link, Great Western Highway and the Cumberland Highway. The railway line was also involved to a certain extent and especially in transporting the lions’ food. All the costs amounted to 5 billion Australian dollars. Communication objective The DMO situated in Sydney and the communication link involved the satellite system that was interlinked within Sydney like from the North Narembura and Antarmon to the south of Paddington and Woolharla. The communication objective of the campaign was to link all the regions, cities and towns within Sydney (Jeong Nor, 2007).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The communication networks like telephones and internet were necessary tools in creating awareness of the African lion safaris and attracting interest from all of Australia. All the costs of the communication initiative amounted to 3 billion Australian dollars. Promotion and media mixes In the promotion of the initiative, the GWS employed different techniques in creating awareness of the African Lion Safari in Sydney (Dumville, 2001). The aspects included advertisements, public relations, and direct customer promotions. The advertisements involved radio and television advertisements that were aimed at the regular radio listeners and TV fans (Fry, 2003). The public relations exercise was aimed at spreading information on the initiative between the GWS and the public. The organization employed topics of public interest to capture the attention of the public. The public relation activities exploited included conferences, press briefings and industrial awards (Saylor, 2012). Direct cust omer contact employed the use of posters, brochures and fliers stating the purpose of the initiative and its objective. This fact was to convince the immediate customers that they were also appreciated (Brown, 2001).The promotion of sales just like in advertisements used the media, face to face communication, telephone and posters in creating awareness. The media mix employed different media in promoting the campaign. The television houses, magazines, telephone directories, billboards and supermarket shopping carts were consolidated to facilitate the success of the campaign. In the midst of the advertisement or promotion, creative elements were integrated to enhance the campaign (Armstrong, 2002). The elements involved giving of discounts, offering of after sale services and provision of resource materials (Cohen, Wells, 2001). Discounts were offered to hotels and restaurants for regular customers, tour and parking fees. For instance, a 50% discount was offered to the first 100 tour ists both at domestic and international levels. The after sale services included servicing of the tourist vehicles, consultation services and rewards that ensured that any visitor was satisfied with the organization’s provisions (John, 2010). All these creative elements were reflected in the advertisement and promotion links enabling the visitors to have full information of what the initiative was all about. The promotion and advertisement cost about 10 billion Australian dollars. Key performance indicators (KPIs) The performance indicators were used to show the performance measurement in evaluating the success and achievement of the campaign. The following table shows the various indicators employed in the campaign. Indicator type performance Quantitative 10% of the total population of Sydney visited the African Lion Safari (i.e. 0.19 million) Qualitative 0.10 million of the 0.19 million visitors came from Sydney Leading A predictable 1.0 million was expected to hav e visited the African Lion Safari in 10 years Lagging The success of the campaign stood at 70% in the next 5 years Input A total of 36 billion Australian dollars were consumed in the project Process The campaign proved productive based on its power to target a large tourist market (0.19 million) Output A total of 50 million Australian dollars were accrued by the end of 2012 Practical The campaign necessitated the success of the promotion despite the competition by 55% Directional The GWS African Lion Safari improved with an estimated 10% increase in income annually Financial The financial prospects seemed promising with a 50 billion output in 2012 Budget Value in Australian dollars in billions Promotion and advertisement 10 Transport 5 Communication 3 Insurance 2 Hotels and restaurants 10 Tour guides and security 1 Others 5 Total 36 Media release Lions in Sydney 2nd March, 2008 The Greater Western Sydney Agency is reopening the African Lion Sa fari in Warragamba, Sydney ,in 2008. The initiative is to welcome both the local and foreign tourists to this great destination. An estimated 0.19 million visitors are expected. Be the first, and come in large numbers. Discounts will be given to the first 100 visitors in the day of opening i.e. 10th March, 2008. You can contact us by paying us a visit in Warragamba, New South Wales, Australia. Executive summary The promotion campaign was carried out between 2008 and 2012 to necessitate the reopening of the African Lion Safari in Warragamba, New South Wales, Australia. This initiative was engineered by the Greater Western Sydney (GWS) tourism unit and it brought together 14 LGA. The aim was to target 0.19 million visitors annually. The channels for distribution involved the road networks and the railway line which consumed a total of 5 billion Australian dollars. The communication links facilitated communication throughout the greater western region fetching visitors from Antarman, Narembura, Paddington and Woolharla. The promotion and media mixes were employed to improve the creativity in the campaign. The promotion was aimed at creating awareness on the various services and facilities to be enjoyed by the visitors. Sales promotions, direct customer contact, public relations and advertisements were part of the links employed. An estimated 10 billion Australian dollars were invested for the purpose of promotions and advertisements. Key performance indicators were used to assess and measure the performance of the campaign and the success of the initiative. The aim of the campaign was to rekindle the once thriving industry of the African Lion Safari. The industry was known to have attracted a total of 200,000 visitors annually. This aspect was marginally crucial towards Sydney’s GDP and revenue. A total of 0.19 million was expected. The industry was expected to enjoy global acceptance. Conclusion Following the indicators outlined in the report campaign, the project has proven to be successful in tourism and interests have been realized by the government, people of Sydney and the GWS. It has however been noted that challenges have strengthened the basis of the campaign and have helped in the creation of better policies and strategies towards a self-sustaining industry (Aaker McLoughlin, 2010). The inclusion of better, fairer and convenient infrastructure and utilities will ensure the existence of a trustworthy tourist venture like the Warragamba project in Sydney. I would advise the government to establish measures that can help in the recovery of ventures and enterprises that have been because of issues that can be addressed. References Aaker, A McLoughlin, D 2010,Strategic Market Management – Global Perspectives, John Wiley Sons Ltd,West Sussex. Armstrong, J 2002, The London Assurance Company and the Marine Insurance Market of the Eighteenth Century, Lengthen Press, London. Barrow, W 2005, Robert Bruce the Community of the Realm of Scotland (4th ed.), Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Brown, D 2001, â€Å"Kenneth mac Alpin†. In M. Lynch. The Oxford Companion to Scottish History, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Cohen, D Wells,J 2001, The USA Patriot Act of 2001, Balancing Civil Liberties And National Security, ABC Clio Publishers, New York. Dumville, D 2001, â€Å"St Cathrà ³e of Metz and the Hagiography of Exoticism†. Irish Hagiography: Saints and Scholars, Four Courts Press, Dublin. Fry, B 2003, Mastering Public Administration; from Max Weber to Dwight Waldo, Chatham, Chatham House Publishers, Inc., New Jersey. Haney, D Perry, W 2004, International Business: Introduction and Essentials, Longman Press, London. Jeong, C Nor, F 2007, Principles of Public Administration: An Introduction, Karisma Publications, Kuala Lumpur. John, R 2010, Network Nation: Inventing American Telecommunications 520 pages; traces the evolution of the country’s telegraph and telephone networks, Harvard University Press, Harvard. Lewis, M Roehrich, J 2009, Contracts, Relationships and Integration: Scheduling, and Controlling, John Wiley Sons, New York City. Plunkett, J W 2008, Plunkett’s Telecommunications Industry Almanac Etisalat Financials, Choice Magazine, Houston. Saylor, M 2012, The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything, Perseus Books/Vanguard Press, New York. This report on Promotional report campaign for DMO was written and submitted by user Bryant T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The world of classical art Essay Example
The world of classical art Essay Example The world of classical art Essay The world of classical art Essay Essay Topic: Classical Orlando In a city known for artifice and family-friendly pleasure seeking, it seems to make sense that the world of classical art would collide with the world of the strangely fantastic. While there are some that claim buildings such as the ones in Las Vegas, with its full-size replicas of pyramids and Venetian waterways, are devoid of artistic value or significance. To a large degree, this perception is true, for there is little artistic value in simply copying the work of another for mass marketing purposes. However, the building that houses Wonderworks in Orlando, Florida is far more than a mass marketed copy. It is an original structure used to pique interest in science, and its building surely reflects its function.Walking down the tourist strip in Orlando is always an interesting thing to do, to see all the shops, restaurants, and various other attractions designed to pull the eye and the money of entertainment seekers. While many think that Orlando is nothing but a n ode to Disney, the strip on International Drive is touristy, but largely free of the Disney magic. However, there is a little magic on the strip, and it was on a trip down this stretch of artificial structures that I saw the most original structure of all in the form of the building created as the educational/recreational playground known as Wonderworks.Amongst the many other cookie-cutter tourist traps on the strip, Wonderworks sticks out like a sore, but highly interesting, thumb. It is not meant to harmonize with its surroundings at all, but rather seeks to call attention to itself and the types of things that go on inside its walls. The structure itself is situated right along the road, a multistory plantation-style white building, complete with four columns in the front and large arched windows. It looks similar to the White House, and its tight symmetry suggests a heavy neoclassical influence. A few special touches are the few palm trees positioned in the front and along the sides that give it a tropical feel so indicative of its Florida home, with all eyes drawn to the top of the building, which also just so happens to be its bottom.The building for Wonderworks is made to look like a giant colonial mansion dropped at a canted angle on top of a smaller, one-story brick warehouse from the 1930s. The entrance to the main building is ground level, and cut into the top of the upside-down building. Artistic embellishments such as cracks in the columns and the face of the building, along with a few feet of foundation at the top of the building make it seem as if it were just uprooted and slammed down. The palm trees hang from this upside-down foundation, as well as lampposts near the upside-down door. Real palm trees and manicured grass surround the entire structure, which faces one corner of the intersection, while the warehouse faces the other. The fact that it is a perfectly normal-looking building that may be nothi ng more than a striking, old mansion on the strip is completely turned on its head, just like the building. The result is something similar to the wonder that its name suggests, and the fact that it is so different is part of its disharmonious appeal.The nature of the Wonderworks building, as well as its location in the middle of tourist heaven, suggests that it was designed most likely by an anonymous designer working for a large firm sometime in the past few decades. As there are a few other Wonderworks buildings scattered across the country, the design suggests that its form was consciously designed to echo the many scientific and interesting things that happened within its walls. It is an example of form perfectly matching function, and makes the view question not only the creativity and architectural science that went into it, but also the line between art and homogenized culture. Indeed, Wonderworks can be argued to be art or lowbrow entertainment, but the natu re of what it tries to accomplish can only be respected in its ideals, and therefore the building itself becomes far more credible and charming than any of the buildings by Vegas or Disney, as impressive as both locales are.Inside the Wonderworks building, there are many things, scientific and entertaining, that kids and adults will find interesting and educational. The interior of the main building is also upside-down, and adds to the overall feeling of eccentricity and whimsy. There are exhibits inside that allow a person to make giant bubbles, lay on a bed of nails, wear an astronaut suit, and scores of other interesting activities. The unusual design of the building compliments perfectly its unique position the most offbeat attraction on the tourist strip, as well as the strange information it provides through its exhibits, like the number of teeth a mosquito has. Though the building for Wonderworks was built in 1998, it recalls the classical style, and then turn s it upside-down in a post-modern way. The fictional story behind the building is that it was once a top-secret lab from the Bermuda Triangle brought by a tornado to its final spot on top of the brick building. While the story may be fictional, the impact the building has on those who see it is very real.Seeing the upside-down building immediately makes people feel happy when they see it, young and old, and it is difficult not to try to figure out exactly how they built it. Because the attraction is in the middle of the touristiest part of Orlando, Florida, it is surrounded by a plethora of other attractions, including the many famous amusement parks only short drives down the highway. However, the building for Wonderworks provides an experience that makes it one of the hidden gems of the area. It is hard to visit Wonderworks and not come out feeling gratified that the day was spent exploring its interesting exhibits and architecture.Not only does the building in side and out echo its true purpose, but the nature of the building itself echoes its location in the middle of a city known for artifice, special effects, and entertainment. But, still, Wonderworks manages to become something far more than another amusement for tourists, almost in the way a poem takes on different meanings to different readers. Some may see it as an amusement park, a fake building, a mass-produced symbol of homogenized entertainment, while some may see it as an allegorical about American society. And, even still, some may just see it as an interesting place to visit.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
No Room for Snark
No Room for Snark Unless you are JA Konrath and your brand is snark, dont try to weave it into your writing persona. It will backfire. Someone will label you crass. Many will quit buying your work readers as well as editors. As an editor, pitches come to me in the guise of Sunday clothes and good manners, which is good. We should present our best self. However, the true person arises when I reject a pitch. Well, if this doesnt work, then what does? Just give me a subject and Ill write it if you dont like this. Why doesnt this work? Im most certain it fits your guidelines. Whatever. Screw you or Forget you or Fill-in-the-blank you. Do you discriminate against fill-in-the-blank? You are an elitist b-. While these writers may not have been memorable before, they become memorable after these remarks. It works the reverse as well. I listen at conferences, workshops, and events where names bigger than mine put on shows, shake hands, meet and greet the room and represent themselves to authors as well as each other. There are a few agents I would never pitch because Ive heard them make fun of their clients, the writers around them, even the speakers at the podium. Theres a big name in the publishing industry I heard making fun of someone on a panel for pretending to be an author. Many people forget that shy writers listen harder. You are a professional. Keep it professional. Yes, I know as well as anyone that some days you want to snap back and speak your mind. This newsletter is my outlet, and luckily I have a teeny bit of snark woven into my brand to give me room for release. But on someone elses blog? In an email? In front of people who buy my books, ask me to speak, or want to advertise with me? Never. Why slit my own throat? The publishing world is teeming with authors, writers and others climbing the ladder. Everyone is watching everyone else. What is she doing that works? What is he saying that you can take advantage of? How is she slipping up, and how is he making mistakes? Everyone is trying so hard. When the public is your client, you are on display. There are no soundproof rooms. So paint on that smile. Pull out your best behavior. Make anyone you meet happy to have met you. Why on earth would you ever be snarky to anyone in this business as you are fighting your way to publication?
Sunday, February 16, 2020
An Analysis of Youth Voter Turnout in the UK Dissertation
An Analysis of Youth Voter Turnout in the UK - Dissertation Example In order to effectively interpret and analyse low voter turnout in Britain this dissertation draws on the voter surveys conducted by the, the Electoral Commission, British Election Study (BES) and Ipsos MORI before and after general elections and a number of empirical research studies conducted over time. Thus secondary sources are used because they provide a more realistic representation of youth voter turnout over a long period of time among a larger representative population sample using both quantitative and qualitative analyses. A single empirical study would only be able to cover a small population sample of voters in a single location, who may vote or not vote in upcoming elections. Secondary studies identify youth who failed to vote in past elections and trends indicating that young people are becoming increasingly alienated economically, socially and politically as well as generally disenchanted with democracy in Britain. Table of Contents Abstract 3 Table of Contents 4 Part I: Introduction to the Study 5 I.Introduction 5 II.Research Questions 6 IV.Significance of the Study 8 V.Research Methodology 8 VI.Organization of the Study 9 Part II: A Review of the Literature 10 I.Introduction 10 II.Evidence of Young Voter Turnout 10 A.Global Trends 10 B.Youth Voting Trends in Britain 13 III.Explaining the Youth Voter Turnout Downward Trajectory 14 IV. Previous Studies 18 Part IV: Young Voter Turnout Trends in Britain 21 Part V: Research Findings/Conclusion 24 Bibliography 27 Table of Figures Figure 1: Global Voter Turnout From 1945-2005.......................................................11 Figure 2: Voter Turnout by Age in 15 Western European Democracies.....................13 Figure 3: Nonvoters by Age Group from 1964-2005...................................................22 An Analysis of Youth Voter Turnout in the UK Part I: Introduction to the Study I. Introduction It is generally accepted that youth voter turnout in the UK is significantly lower than th e voter turnout for older cohorts (Parry, Moyser & Day, 1992; Heath & Park, 1997; Jowell & Park, 1998; Keaney & Rogers, 2006). Although voting trends in general are on the decline, younger voters’ turnout is declining at a more alarming rate than older voter turnout. A poll conducted by MORI in coordination with the Electoral Commission in 2001 concluded that 24% of voters between the age of 18 and 24 reported that they have never voted while only 6% reported having ever voted (Ipsos MORI, 2002). Another survey conducted in 2005 found that although 75% of register voters over the age of 65 voted, only 37% of younger voters voted (Keaney & Rogers, 2006). The British Election Study (1997) revealed that only 56% of young voters between the age of 18 and 24 turned out to vote in the British General Election in 1997. The British Election Study (2005) also reported that less that 48% of registered 18-24 year old voters turned up to vote in the 2005 British General Elections compare d to 75% of older voters. The Electoral Commission (2002) provides some insight into the declining trends among young voters in terms of voter turnout. Using data from an Ispos MORI survey, the Electoral Commission (2002) concluded that there were two primary factors influencing young voter
Monday, February 3, 2020
Currency Future Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Currency Future Contracts - Essay Example Some buyers and sellers of the instrument used it for speculation. The named instruments are not only used to hedge against unfavorable movements in the value of currency but also in other economic factors such as interest rate, exchange rates and natural calamities (CME group, n.d .). These contacts are reliant on some underlying assets thus are called the derivatives. First, swap is a derivative that involves an agreement between two or more traders to exchange the denomination of their cash flows. For instance, consider two investors from the US and the UK, who have invested in the local government securities. The two investors would agree that the US investor receives the cash flow of the UK investor, denominated in Sterling pound. The same would happen to the UK in investor. Secondly, an option is a contract that grants the buyer rights but not an obligation to participate in the contract, on maturity. On the other hand, the contract obliges the seller to participate when the co ntract matures. Thirdly, a forward is a contract between the counterparts to exchange currencies at a predetermined exchange rate. That is, the parties agree to exchange their currency at a given exchange rate agreed now, but during a future transaction, say after one year. Lastly, a future is a contract between parties to exchange currencies in the future, at a pre-determined rate. The nature of the contract is similar to that of forwards. The only difference is that futures are exchange traded whereas; the forwards are traded over the counter (CME group, n.d .). Have the current future prices fallen or risen? In the recent past, the currency future prices have demonstrated a downward trend. The reduction of the prices is said to have been caused by a high level of uncertainty about the future prices. Another reason for the fallen prices is the deteriorating US economy (CME group, n.d .). Types of exposures Most companies sign future contracts mainly to hedge against the unfavorabl e move of the exchange rates. A volatile exchange rate presents an environment that is too risky for businesses to operate. The risks are categorized into a transaction, operating and translation. A transactional exposure arises from the various trading activities that a company engages in. Globalization has made the world a small village where companies in the various parts of the world are well connected. The process of globalization has facilitated the sharing of resources between different companies. Businesses that operate in the international markets face greater risk of future price movements. This is because they borrow, lend and invest in those markets using foreign currencies. It is from the trading activities of a business that transactional risk arises. Secondly, operating risk is the adverse changes in a company’s revenue elements due to unfavorable movements in the currency prices. For instance, the prices of caterpillar tractors were at one time high in the int ernational market because the US$ gained more strength against other currencies. Other countries had to give up more of their currency in exchange for one dollar. This situation caused the tractors to be more expensive as compared to the competitor’s (Rheinla?nder & Sexton, 2011). During the period, the caterpillar company recorded lower sales due to the influence of the currency price fluctuations. Lastly,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Standard English Dialect Vs. Non Standard Dialect
Standard English Dialect Vs. Non Standard Dialect Standard English Dialect Vs. Non Standard Dialect for English Language Learners The United States is a culturally diverse nation. It is a country comprised of not only people of different ethnic backgrounds, but also with distinct dialects that are socially and ethnically related varieties of the same language. For example, there are those who speak English of upper-middle class New Yorkers and that of lower-class New Yorkers. Additionally, there are dialects that stem from different accents of people who immigrated into the country. Although most citizens of the United States speak with a dialect or accent, we tend to draw negative attention to those who speak differently than those who speak standard English (Parker Riley, 2010). This form of language is known as nonstandard English. For example, an educated person who commands the standard English dialect might judge a speaker of a nonstandard English, that comes from a lower socioeconomic status, lacking education or is unintelligent. This negative social judgement impacts English Language Learners because the language spoken in schools are normally referred to as Standard English and often attempts to remove regionalism and accents, both in spoken and written language (Adams, Michael and Ann Curzon, 2009). Although it is important to educate students in their new language standard dialect, teachers should not ignore their students dialects. Educators need to recognize that they show they value their students cultural and ethnic background so that learners do not feel alienated from their new country. Acceptance helps establish student empowerment and confidence to learn the new language and assimilate to the new culture. However, there are certain situations that teachers should allow non-native English speakers to use their dialects and certain situations when students must be required to use standard English. Teachers must demonstrate when is the right time students should use their own dialects and when they should employ standard American English dialect. There are many ways to incorporate student dialect into the classroom. For example, students can be encouraged to do a research language project on dialect that requires them to interact within two different communities, their own and a community that predominantly uses Standard English. They can participate in a volunteer program that allows them to interact in these communities. As students perform their volunteer duty, they should also be cognizant on listening to how people speak in these communities and write down their observations. They can prepare to do a presentation that describes how individuals pronounce the same words in different ways. They should compare their own dialects with those of standard English. This assignment would allow English language learners to reflect upon their own language skills and improve acquiring the English language and the American standard English dialect. The teacher can ask administration for assistance in organizing these volunteer assignm ents or take the initiative to coordinate one on their own. Another way to incorporate teaching Standard English dialect is to educate students on stylistic registers, which is the different ways we speak depending on the social situation. For example, we speak differently when we are on an interview. We might ask When shall I expect feedback from our interview, when speaking to a potential employer or your boss, versus When will you call me back? when speaking to a colleague or friend. Stylistic registers occur daily in students lives. Students speak differently from how they speak to their teachers from how they speak to their peers or to their parents. It is important for English language learners to be able to decipher when to navigate speaking in their own dialects to when it is required of them to speak the standard American English dialect. Having students reflect on their own dialect through and showing them how to navigate through different speech patterns is essential to understanding Standard American English.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Friends with Benefits
Lehmiller, J. , â€Å"Sex Differences in Approaching Friends with Benefits Relationships†, Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 48, Issue 2-3, 2011, pgs 275 – 284. Friends With Benefits â€Å"‘Friends with benefits’ (FWB) relationships consist of friends who are sexually, but not romantically, involved. In other words, such relationships are comprised of persons who engage in sexual activity on occasion, but otherwise have a basic friendship†¦ it is important to recognize that FWB partners do not consider their involvements to be romantic relationships.Rather, FWB relationships are perhaps best regarded as friendships in which the partners involved have casual sex with one another. †(Lehmiller, 275) This passage tells what friends with benefit relationships are but why are they being studied in this instance? This article concludes the information concerning this specific type of odd relationship and how it’s seen in the eyes of the individuals who enter them. It also touches on the threat of sexually transmitted disease, the downfall of these relationships, and what type of people are more likely to enter one and how it changes their views of love. Releted essay – An Empty Purse Frightens Away FriendsFriends with benefits relationships are being studied with the goal of finding out what motivates people to get into this type of relationship, what defines friends with benefits and how the changes in the relationship effect it. Most of the studies on this subject occur with nonrandom sampling that were advertised around college campuses which poses the implication that only younger generations involve themselves in friend with benefit relationships, which is false. The independent variable are the people themselves.Every person has a different view on this type of relationship and it can be easily skewed by what their friends, family, or peers believe about this type of situation. The dependent variable is the relationship itself. Once the terms are set by the two people in the relationship there is very little space for change, because trust can be questioned. There is no knowing if someone will develop feelings or not , which can ruin the whole point of a friends with benefits relationship. The main find in this article is that the studies on this subject should be cast in a broader net and there really isn’t enough research done on this subject.There should be more circumstances and variables. Most of the studies were taken from people who were recollecting past friends with benefits relationships and not currently in one which is subject to memory distortion and lapses. The studies should show current relationships, one’s including people of all ages, and what happened to the friendship before and afterward. This article touches a little on most subjects in the friends with benefits spectrum, but they could center in on one thing to be more specific in their findings.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
A Beautiful Mind Characterization and Dialogue - 1176 Words
Writing Portfolio The 2001 biopic/drama film ‘A Beautiful Mind’, directed by Ron Howard is a prime example of a text in which visual and verbal techniques are used to develop the personality of a character. An important job for the director of any film is to establish a framework and personality for the protagonist. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ is no different, and visual and verbal techniques are used effectively to develop the personality of John Nash. But because Ron Howard is dealing with a very complex character in the form of a paranoid schizophrenic mathematician, his personality is forever changing and the differing film techniques achieve this. As this film is a biopic/drama drawn into one, the viewer follows Nash’s life over a†¦show more content†¦The delusions put his baby sons life at risk, and also cause a further rift between Nash and his wife Alicia. In earlier scenes, Nash’s friend Charles was in fact present to the viewer in the form of the actor (portrayed by Paul Bettany). The effort to include the actor in these earlier scenes is a bid by the director to create the same realism for Nash, as for the audience. But in later scenes, the removal of Bettany and other cast members changes the viewer’s perspective of this protagonist. As the actor is no longer present, the viewer is forced to side with Alicia in thinking John Nash is delusional. The viewer here, is easily able to pin point the affects that paranoid schizophrenia has on Nash, and other sufferers of that disorder. Characterisation is important, as in these later scene his personality is changed into a very confused man. The confident, charming and intelligent John Nash of Princeton University is instantly transformed personality due to the including and removing of key characters. These key characters not only include Charles, but also his niece Marcee and Special Forces Operative William Pacher. Dialogue is another technique (this time verbal) which is important in developing the personality of character John Nash. Director Ron Howeard opts to portray Nash as an arrogant and scornful outsider in the opening scenes of the film. During these stages, dialogue is crucialShow MoreRelatedLife Is Beautiful Theme777 Words  | 4 PagesLife is beautiful is a 1997 Italian tragicomedy drama film, directed and starring Roberto Benigni. The film narrated a World War 2 story in where a jewish father named Guido Orefice ’s family was captured into a jewish concentration camp, however he employed his fertile imagination, and manage to shield his son Joshua from the horrors of the camp and sacrificed himself to ensure Joshua and Dora--his wife’s survivals. The film strongly conveyed the themes of innocence and love through uses of a rangeRead More Irony and Characterization in O’Connor’s Good Country People942 Words  | 4 Pagesof irony as a technique for i mbuing a story with meaning. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Its Time to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels Essay - 742 Words
Its Time to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels to Environmentally Friendly Energy Sources Fossil fuels, the main fuel for firing power stations for electricity, heating homes, and providing fuel for transport, have been used for many years. Despite their relative inexpensiveness, fossil fuels have major drawbacks. They introduce a myriad of negative implications including environmental degradation, global warming, acid rain, health problems, and ecosystem destruction. Even though fossil fuels are cheaper today than renewable sources of energy, it is well worth spending the extra money on these more environmentally friendly types of energy. After all, who wants to live on an unhealthy planet? The main component of†¦show more content†¦Exposure can lead to dizziness, headaches, nausea, fatigue, birth defects, and even death by suffocation. The burning of fossil fuels can cause particulate matter to be released into the atmosphere. This can cause irritation of the tissue of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. (Walker). Carbon dioxide is the leading cause of the greenhouse effect. Mean global temperatures have risen between 0.2 and 0.5 degrees Celsius per decade as a result of carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases (Hemsley-Flint). Carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere. U.S. temperatures could increase another 3 to 9 degrees by the end of this century if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. Because of the warmer temperatures higher levels of evaporation would be possible, and the incidence of drought could also increase. The national drought from 1999-2002 was among one of the most prolonged droughts in the last 40 years (â€Å"The Consequences†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). As a result of the higher global temperatures, there would be greater incidences of heat waves, which could lead to more heat-related deaths. Warmer conditions could also aggravate local air quality problems. 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